• Executing Your First Test

    In our previous post, we staged a way to create Drivers, but we haven’t used it yet. This time we will create some sample tests, a BaseTest.java class, and use TestNG.xml to run them, that way we’ll be able to test if the DriverFactory is working exactly as we expect,...

  • Effective Locators in Selenium

    Successful Locator Strategies for WebElements Let’s discuss now the best strategies, patterns, tips, etc to come up with good, robust Locators that are the least likely to break down when there are changes in your application. Finding the WebElements in your application is rarely difficult (with some exceptions, of course),...

  • Driver Factory

    Factory Pattern for Selenium WebDriver On my previous posts we initialized a new maven Project, and added the dependencies we will need for our Framework. Now we can get started with the main functionality of any Test Automation Framework, being able to create WebDriver instances to interact with your Applications....

  • Getting started building your own Framework

    Your first step towards a robust Test Automation Framework If you’ve been reading my first post on the framework category, you know we gave a rough overview of some of the capabilities the Client has asked of our framework. Feel free to navigate to my previous post and write them...

  • Test Automation Framework - The main Components

    Setting the right building blocks for your Framework Hello everybody ! In this first post about building a good, robust test automation framework, we’ll start talking about some of the most necessary components every Framework should include, much like building a house, we have to start with the plans and...

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